Supporting Documentation
Egg Imports and Exports
- Date
- Date - date - Period ending date.
- TradeTypeEn_TypeDeCommAn
- Trade Type (English) - string(120) - English name of the type of trade. Import data is derived from CBSA data. Export data is derived from CFIA data.
- TradeTypeFr_TypeDeCommFr
- Trade Type (French) - string(120) - French name of the trade type. Import data is derived from CBSA data. Export data is derived from CFIA data.
- CmdtyEn_PrdtAn
- Commodity (English) - string(120) - English name of the commodity.
- CmdtyFr_PrdtFr
- Commodity (French) - string(120) - French name of the commodity.
- Qty_Qte
- Quantity - float(15) - Quantity of units.
- UnitsEn_UnitesAn
- Units (English) - string(120) - English description of unit of measure, either in kilograms (kg) or "boxes of fifteen dozen" for shell eggs.
- UnitsFr_UnitesFr
- Units (French) - string(120) - French description of unit of measure, either in kilograms (kg) or "boxes of fifteen dozen" for shell eggs.
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